Monday, March 15, 2010

Electronic Cigarettes Now Used by 1 in 40 Smokers

Tax burdens may be one strong indicator as to why the popularity of the electronic cigarette continues to grow. Since the e cigarette has no known adverse health effects to date, it is not easily taxed at the current sin tax rates that are imposed on smokers for the use of tobacco cigarettes, and with the political climate of spending and taxing in these political times, it may be a way for smokers to ease the tax burden placed on them, therefore saving the smoker much needed cash.

The electronic cigarette is still making headlines across the U.S. as the industry continues to grow at almost unbelievable rates considering the economic downturn the U.S. is currently under. This brings quite a few questions to the forefront as to why this product has become so popular over the last year.

Tax burdens may be one strong indicator as to why the popularity of the electronic cigarette continues to grow. Since the e cigarette has no known adverse health effects to date, it is not easily taxed at the current sin tax rates that are imposed on smokers for the use of tobacco cigarettes, and with the political climate of spending and taxing in these political times, it may be a way for smokers to ease the tax burden placed on them, therefore saving the smoker much needed cash.

This makes perfect sense considering that the taxes that tobacco cigarette taxes were supposed to be used for are not used in that manner, and smokers may feel like they are being taken advantage of by federal, state and local governments to fund other projects that were not intended to get these tobacco revenues.

Calculating the actual cost of electronic cigarette use by the smoker shows another advantage. Some are making claims that the use of the e-cigarette cuts a smoker's monthly bill down by 50% or more in relation to cost of tobacco cigarettes.

Most believe the major and strongest factor is a superior product when compared to traditional tobacco cigarettes. The e cigarette has 4,000 less chemicals when used than tobacco cigarettes and smokers across the U.S. and the world are opting to continue smoking without all of the toxins that cigarettes produce and put into the body.

"They love it because smokers are a lot smarter than the government and special interest groups give them credit for," states Tiffany Ellis of E Cigarettes National. "They see through the scare mongering and are seeing a difference in their wallets and purses after they make the switch, along with other benefits of making the decision to move over to electronic cigarettes."